Optimized Veterinary CT Scanning
ROVER offers the Veterinarian cost-free option for a vehicle containing a CT Scanner to visit the practice location, for a half day or full day, where the practice will anesthetize the animal, brings it out to the truck in an animal trough, the animal is scanned in about 10 minutes, then returned to the Vet hospital for recovery and eventual disposition.
Turn around time from order to results in hands is dramatically reduced from the present 30 day average
Drop-off time (written prescriptions for CT’s never getting done) is significantly reduced from the present 50%
The Practice charges the pet owner directly, streamlining the evaluation process.
The Study information is controlled by the vet for ease of future referral, comparison and for sharing with other Vet practices/specialty referrals.
Adds significant income potential to the Vet Practice that is already ordering CT’s but they are being referred out with no financial gain.